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" Roasting brings out flavor, dignity and hope "  

                                            by Reeves Chung

之前同佢做同事就覺得佢好輕浮,有啲俹簁,但又好似識好多嘢,Sensory 好似有勁咁,之後佢離開咗自立門戶...... 我開始佩服佢🙇‍♂️,佢真真正正由 “One man with two hands”做起,一分一亳都要諗過先用,由500g爐炒起一步一步越炒越大,同佢合作得越耐越覺得佢對做咖啡嘅視野比我e啲老土怪行前咗幾年,大概之前覺得佢嘅“俹簁” 只係我未夠班唔知佢做乜。

Bringing you our latest Tee Shirt project ...

n.o.t. x Coffee Engineering x 秋蟬牌線衫

& Costa Rica Coffea Diverse Monte Cristo Pasa

A : Tee shirt only $480

B : Tee shirt+60g Brewing set $520

C : Tee shirt+180g Brewing Set: $560

D : 180g Coffee beans $195

You are free to choose whichever combination you wish to buy at a very affordable price !

Brewing Set includes third wave water powder,  filter paper

For a very limited period and while stocks last ....

n.o.t. x Coffee Engineering x 秋蟬牌線衫

& Costa Rica Coffea Diverse Monte Cristo Pasa

Order your set today !